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[业界] 口袋妖怪公司表示2013年对于他们以及整个

发表日期:2015-12-29 14:05 作者: 编辑:BT 来源: 浏览:

013 is expected to be a big year for Pokemon. In the games department alone, there’s a lot to look forward to. Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are coming this year – the first Pokemon entries for the 3DS, in full 3D, and with worldwide simultaneous launches. There’s also Pokemon Rumble U, the franchise’s first Wii U title. And let’s not forget about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, which just came out in North America a few weeks ago and will be making its way to Europe next month.
That’s a lot to handle, but there is also a new Pokemon TV series and film, new events, and toys coming. These items along with the anticipated game releases make 2013 “a key year”, according to the Pokemon Company International.
Marketing director Anthony Cornish said:
“Undoubtedly 2013 is a key year for us to grow and usher in a new era for Pokémon with Pokémon X and Pokémon Y and the introduction of new characters as the launch platform. We believe these games will appeal to all generations both veterans and newcomers to Pokémon.”


有很多事情,除了游戏以外还有新的宝可梦 TV动画系列和剧场版,新的活动,以及玩具也即将到来。据口袋妖怪国际公司所述,这些伴随前述游戏的事物一起使2013年成为了关键性的一年。

市场监督 Anthony Cornish说道:

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